Temple of Demeter

Temple of Demeter
A woman in a white dress is standing in a field at sunset, representing Demeter.
"Universal Mother, Deo famed... Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair...
Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine, and fruits of lovely green."
- Orphic Hymn to Demeter
About This Temple
This is the Temple of Demeter: Goddess of the harvest and agriculture.

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Temple Attendants
Votary: Belladonna Laveau
A woman wearing a headband and a scarf is standing in front of a bush,  representing Demeter.
She who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

Vessel: Elizette Brown

A woman with purple hair is wearing a crown and holding a basket of flowers,  representing Demeter.
She who is currently carrying the incarnation of the Goddess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the Goddess.
Our Great Work
A woman is holding a small plant in her hands.
Demeter is the matron Goddess of the Save the Seeds Foundation. 

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