The rites at Eleusis were considered essential to the survival of humanity, and it was said that “Life [would be] unlivable, if [we] were prevented from properly observing the most sacred Mysteries, which hold the whole human race together.”*

For 3000 unbroken years the known world would learn the mysteries of what it meant to live upon planet earth as its stewards, from the sacred Cult of Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture's rites: The Eleusinian Mysteries.

40 years ago, Eleusinian scholars unlocked the Mysteries.

Come learn what the ancient world knew, and become an initiate into the Mysteries of the Goddess Demeter. 🌾




See you in Eleusis!


The ATC is a global interfaith Wiccan fellowship ministering, worshiping, and working together for a brighter tomorrow. 
Since its founding in 1979 by the late Pete "Pathfinder" Davis, the ATC has been a welcoming environment for Wiccans and pagans of all traditions. The ATC is not a tradition, it is a collective of covens, circles, institutions and charities that work together to provide infrastructure to the Pagan Community and protect Pagan Civil Rights. Our Affiliates become legally recognized churches in the Federal Government with all the rights afforded other churches.

"Church" may not be a traditional word used in Paganism, but it is the word used by the Federal Government for the classification of protection and privileges awarded by the Federal Government to legally recognized religious groups. Therefore, we use the word "Church" to mean the congregation or community that the Priesthood or "Coven" serve.

Our Statement of Belief

We are Pantheists and see God in everything: as both a single, supreme, infinite, and holy energy often referred to in other cultures as “The All”, the “Great Mother”, the Tao, and eternally dividing and expressing Itself in infinite ways while maintaining universal balance between Its projective and receptive aspects. The easiest way to for us as humans to conceptualize this supreme force is as holy parents, hence our frequent reference to Deity as both “God and Goddess”. We believe each person to be an aspect or expression of Deity, whole and holy, with strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and failures. We strive to see and appreciate the reflection of deity within each being.

We understand that we learn from adversity and that all lessons are holy. We strive to be grateful for our lessons, understanding that Goddess must know the mystery of all things and so, also strive to forgive the bearer for being a part of the interaction. We believe that the balance will exert itself, and that events are neither good nor bad, but just are. We choose to label the events in our lives, and we can choose to change those labels.

We believe that energy exists and manifests throughout our world within the divine and the elements of nature. We work to understand and master our expression of this energy, and we endeavor to maintain a state of love and service for ourselves and the world around us. We maintain that God/dess has already provided everything we need; it therefore falls upon us to properly exercise our free will and appropriately distribute our resources so that everyone's need are met.

We believe in reincarnation. We see space and time as a circle. Just as we go to sleep each night and wake up each morning, we pass into the Summerlands, to be reborn anew.

We believe the Universe is a safe place to learn and grow, and that the worst thing that can happen to you still results in your return to the God/dess.

"For I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

A group of stone benches are sitting in the middle of a forest henge.

Event Calendar

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Public events at the ATC Itnl Headquarters (The Mother Church) are now being held the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month. Join us for Full Moon Rites, Sabbats, Green Man Days, and the occasional special event! Check the Calendar for meeting times, descriptions of the events, and Potluck ideas.
Check Out the Events

Learn the Craft

From beginner to seasoned elder, WiccanSeminary.EDU has a place for you. Learn a deep understanding of magick, effective spell-casting, ritual development, and the Mysteries of the Gods. Be a part of an international school with those who will be the future leaders in Wicca.
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Members of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.


With the festivals that the ATC hosts, including Spring Mysteries Festival, Hekate Sickle Festival, and other festivals around the globe, our belief is that everyone deserves community. Love and Magick grow exponentially by the number of people one is with, and your access to the divine is as close to you as your brother or sister in the craft. 

With access to the right resources, every pagan can become empowered by their own magickal abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our festivals and where you can register to become a part of the experience.
Discover Community
 the late Pete Pathfinder Davis, who served as Archpriest globally

Affiliated Circles and Covens

The ATC provides big church resources to Wiccan Circles. Legally recognized by the government of the United States of America, and by the governments of many other countries, we are respected by other faiths as a legal religious organization, deserving of the same rights as other churches.

We have helped a great many Wiccan groups throughout the world to gain legal recognition. We have legal Wiccan churches in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Ireland, Italy, France, South Africa, New Zealand, and we are still growing. Find an affiliate near you, or contact the Mother Church to join our circle of churches today!
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Bella is the Matriarch of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl. and a voice of the Goddess by the pagan community.


Do witches minister?

Yes, we do.

Wiccan Ministry is about helping people connect with the Lord and Lady. Priests and Priestesses of the Craft minister by being a bridge between the worlds. People seek the comfort of knowing the Gods exist and actually care about you. At the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, we bring the Gods to you in many ways. We offer:

  • Free Online Circle with daily events 
  • Rites of Passage ceremonies
  • Hospital and Prison chaplaincy programs
  • Handfastings and Wiccanings
  • Motivational Speaking
  • Workshops and Rituals
  • Spiritual Counseling & Healing
  • Home Warding, and Ghost Busting
One on One Needs Group Needs
A group of children are playing with sticks around a drum

Youth Ministries

SpiralScouts™ International is a program for girls and boys of all faiths working, growing and learning together. SpiralScouts thrives on child-directed activities based on a globally-oriented philosophy of religious tolerance and interfaith cooperation, personal responsibility, and ecological education and conservation, in order to help our children learn to grow into strong, competent members of society and citizens of the world. Our program encourages children to know themselves, to become introspective, and to honor and respect others who may be different. It also teaches them life skills necessary to maintain stable lives and lasting relationships. We owe our children nothing less. 

Making its public debut in February of 2001, SpiralScouts™ International has grown into an expanded program available to anyone world wide. We now serve youth throughout the US, as well as in Canada and Europe. We are happy to have this opportunity to share our program with you.
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A woman is holding a crystal ball in her hands

Book Publishing

Pathfinder Press is becoming Wicca Press. The ATC sponsored publishing company has been dormant for years due to the illness and passing of our founder Pete "Pathfinder" Davis. During this time the name "Pathfinder Press" was adopted and cultivated by a political publisher. Since we do not wish to confuse our works with theirs, we are changing the name. This will allow our clients and ATC Affiliates a blank slate into which their creativity will change the face of spiritual publishing.

Look forward to exciting reprints of Stewart Farrar's novels, Bella's books, and long awaited titles from the archives of the ATC, as well as their many affiliates. We look forward to keeping you posted!
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A bowl filled with candles and crystals in a dark room.

Shopping and Supplies

Are you in need of quality tools and ritual supplies? Looking for a homemade oil? The right stone? The perfect athame? Wiccan Cauldron is the marketplace for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church and Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. 

Here we build and compile many of the supplies needed for energetically supported spell work. We also provide the specific materials and tools necessary for our students, facilitators and affiliates who walk the spiral path of the Craft.
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A black and white photo of a statue of a woman holding a candle.

Pagan News

Panegyria was started by The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Wicca. We seek to keep people up to date with issues that concern the Pagan community as a whole.

For thirty years, Panegyria has aimed at connecting the Pagan communities and individuals in the greater Seattle area. During the early 80’s the scene was filled with a disjointed community consisting of small groups, and scantily published newsletters. Pete “Pathfinder” Davis saw a need for a more comprehensive publication to showcase and bring together the voice of the Seattle-area Pagan community.

From these humble beginnings beneath the twilight of the Pacific Northwestern skies, a dream was formed around the ear of the Goddess. The prayers of our founders traveled through the blessed waters of the Mother, and delivered to her their sacred message: “By thy will so mote it be.”

​It is because of her answer that Panegyria has, for 30 years, continued to bring you articles of note, subjects of a sometimes controversial nature, rituals, event reviews, editorials, news of new groups forming, the passing of esteemed loved ones, graduation notices and everything in between to help seekers receive the sacred words the Goddess has laid out for them. It has been 30 years that Panegyria has continued to bring knowledge and togetherness to the Pagan community in the Pacific Northwest and abroad.
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"For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning. And I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

Charge of the Goddess

A woman is standing in a field with trees in the background.


Get in touch with ATCWicca to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Get in touch with ATCWicca to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.


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