Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo
A man wearing armor shooting a flaming bow, representing Apollo.
"Hail Apollo, Protector and Patron. Beloved and Pure, Blessed and Holy. Hail Apollo, Agreus Hail! You are the hunter, the archer. With your golden bow you protect the wild and keep it safe, and sacred. Hail Apollo, Ageuieus Hail! The secrets of the cosmos are known to you. You share your wisdom with us through prophecy and divination that we might better understand your will."
- Daniel Adler, 2004 
About This Temple
This is the Temple of Apollo:  God of archery, music, poetry,  and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the sun and light.
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Temple Attendants
Votary:  Dusty Dionne
A man with a beard is wearing a headband and a necklace, representing Apollo.
S/he who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

Vessel: Pip Zebrowan

A shirtless man with a beard is standing in front of an Apollo poster, representing Apollo.
S/he who is currently carrying the incarnation of the God/dess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the God/dess.
Our Charity/Great Work
Spring Mysteries Festival
A black and white logo for the spring mysteries festival
Apollo is the God of the Spring Mysteries Festival.
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