Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis
W woman in blue shooting a bow in front of the moon, representing Artemis.
"Artemis, friend of the maiden, friend of all who are sufficient to themselves, grant to me the joy of independence, the solace of self-reliance. May I treasure my solitude, O Artemis; 
may I sing with my own voice."  
- Underflow.dreamwidth.org
About This Temple
This is the Temple of Artemis: Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity.
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Temple Attendants

Votary: Titania Thunderlily

Woman in face paint and tribal clothing and bow,  representing Artemis.
S/he who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

Vessel: Maira Caelestina

A woman dressed in tribal clothing and holding a bow,  representing Artemis.
S/he who is currently carrying the incarnation of the God/dess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the God/dess.
Our Charity/Great Work
A patch that says spiral scouts on it
Artemis is the Goddess of Spiral Scouts. 

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