Temple of Hermes

Temple of Hermes
A man in a helmet is holding a caduceus, representing Hermes.
"Be gracious to me, lord Hermes, and guide me in my paths! Lead me to my destinations swiftly, secretly, safely, and speedily. Teach me in all studies, sciences, skills, and crafts. Warn me from all theft, deceit, wiles, and robbers. Quicken me in speech, conversation, commerce, and cognition. Iō Hermēs!"
- Polyphanes, The Digital Ambler
About this Temple
This is the Temple of Hermes: God of trade, heralds, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers and athletes. Messenger of the Gods.
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Temple Attendants

Votary: Dusty Dionne

A man wearing a black shirt, The High Archpreist of

They who lead the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

Vessel: Mikey Alling

A man in a hermes costume is holding a statue of an eagle
S/he who is currently carrying the incarnation of the God/dess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the God/dess.
Our Charity/Great Work
A black and white logo for wicca press
Hermes is the God of the Wicca Press
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