Temple of Pan

Temple of Pan
Satyr playing a flute in a forest, representing Pan.
"Dear Pan, and ye other gods who dwell in this place, grant that I may become beautiful within, and that such outward things as I have may be in agreement with the things within."
- Playto’s Prayer to Pan, Phaedrus 279BC
About This Temple
This is the Temple of Pan:  God of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, rustic music and impromptus; companion of the Nymphs
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Temple Attendants

Votary: Mikey Alling

S/he who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.
A man with a beard and horns has a tattoo on his chest,  representing Pan.

Vessel: Fern Nightingale

A man with horns is playing a pan flute,  representing Pan.
S/he who is currently carrying the incarnation of the God/dess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the God/dess.
Our Charity/Great Work
A logo for vegan earth alliance with a green leaf on a white background.
Pan is the God of the Pagan Earth Alliance.
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