Temple of Persephone

Temple of Persephone
A woman in a blue dress is sitting on a rock holding a pomegranate representing Persephone.
"Persephone, lovely one who knows the feel of sun on skin, who knows as well the press
of cold stone against warm flesh, in the world of the living, no maid is so alive as you.
In the world of the dead, Persephone, you reign as queen, crowned with riches unsurpassed, enthroned in splendor, honored above all others. Goddess,
child of the earth, bride of the darkness, I honor you."
- Greekpagans.com
About This Temple
This is the Temple of Persephone:  Goddess of Vegetation, Queen of the Underworld.
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Temple Attendants

Votary: Raven WolfenOne

A woman in a white dress is holding a bouquet representing Persephone.
She who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

She who is currently carrying the incarnation of the Goddess.

Vessel: Alanna Mitchell

A woman wearing a tiara and a pomegranate is called Persephone
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the Goddess.
Our Charity/Great Work
Spring Myteries Festival Logo
Persephone is the Goddess of the Spring Mysteries Festival.
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