Temple Of Aphrodite

Temple of Aphrodite
A woman in a white dress is surrounded by cherubs in a painting.

"Aphrodite, yours is the force of life, yours the call of instinct; Goddess whose power it is that leads us to joy or desperation, I praise you for your many gifts, I ask your blessing."   

- Greekpagan.com - archives

Welcome to the Temple of Aphrodite

We are the keepers of Her mysteries, those of Love, Beauty and Fertility. We welcome you to join us for reflections, dedications, expression and exploration! We are here to facilitate a connection to the Vessel chosen by the Goddess Aphrodite to bring Her message to you.

This Temple is dedicated to helping the vessels of Aphrodite fulfill their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries held every Spring. Every new vessel represents at least three years of hard work and months of their resources in both time and money with costume, resources, gas money and site fees. This is an opportunity for Pilgrims of Spring Mysteries Festival to help support and connect with their chosen Deitie(s) throughout the year, and any donations received go towards the Priesthood and not to ATC. 

In addition to this worthy cause, the Temple of Aphrodite pledges to donate no less than 10% of any funds raised to a cause essential to Aphrodite's work and will post updates regularly. We look forward to your patronage at any level which is sustainable for you. 

Brightest Blessings from the Priestesses of the Temple of Aphrodite . 

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Temple Attendants

Votary: Belladonna LaVeau

A man dressed as a roman soldier stands next to a woman in a white dress, representing Aphrodite.
S/he who leads the Temple and carries the sacred wisdom forward.

Vessel: Aedis Laveau

A woman taking a selfie on the beach with the word aphrodite in the background
S/he who is currently carrying the incarnation of the God/dess.
They who have previously carried the incarnation of the God/dess.
Our Charity/Great Work
A group of stone benches are sitting in the middle of a forest henge.
About the Charity/Great Work supported by this Temple.

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