The Aquarian Tabernacle Church
Pagan Leadership & The Great Work - The path to leadership, the fun and frills as well as the down and dirty. What does one have to do to rise to leadership and stay there? What do leaders expect out of peers and how to work with other leaders? What do community members expect out of those who present themselves as leaders? What defines the role of High Priestess? How are coven’s structured and what jobs are the High Priest and High Priestess.
I have been working in my community for a long time but I still feel disconnected from the larger community.
Rt. Rev. Terry Riley is the founder of the Southern Delta Church of Wicca-ATC
Did the God phone ring and you answer? What magnificent work do they have in mind for you? Do you have a lot of questions?
Bill Ehle is the leader of Pagans In Need, an ATC-affiliated food pantry dedicated to making sure that nobody in his community goes hungry.
Attracting Students
Solinox Silverstar is the High Priestess of Weavers of the Web, ATC, a second-degree priestess in the WISE-ATC tradition, a teacher at the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, the Editor of Wicca Press, and the owner of Keys To Manifestation.
Technology Tools for Community Building
De has always had a love of technology and the limitless possibilities it brings, especially what it can do for humanity. This love and the desire to serve has led De to minister to others at the Director of Information Technology (IT) for the ATC and WSTS. She holds a Master of Information Systems Degree and is a 1st Degree Priestess of the WISE-ATC tradition of wicca also holding a Bachelor of Wiccan Ministry degree from WSTS.
Creating Common Unity in a Diverse Community
Dru Ann is the HPS of Temple of the Sacred Path Inc. ATC.
Join our panel discussion on Financial Matters featuring information from:
Belladonna Laveau
Dusty Dionne
Trisha Parker
Gypsy Ravish
Join our panel discussion on the Evolution of Wicca featuring information from:
Oberon Zell
Belladonna LaVeau
Don Lewis
Breakout Sessions
Our Breakout sessions are modeled after a process that follows a problem-solving system. Each group will be tasked with discussing and considering a Directive Question provided by the Leadership Conference that deals with the future of Wicca. There will be documents and a PowerPoint to walk participants through the process that will take place over the two days of the conference. At the end of the conference each breakout session will have one representative give a short presentation at the last panel of the conference so that all conference attendees can hear what each group has considered or concluded during their discussions. This process allows a deep dive into the serious topics that we face as Wiccans. The hope is that we as a community can co-create our future and forge bonds that will serve us as we return to our local groups.